Get Married at Christ Church
Christ Church Rugby's Cumberland Plateau setting is the perfect place for your wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony is a holy sacrament in which those to be joined invoke God’s blessing on their union.
The Priest in Charge and church members intend each wedding ceremony to be a beautiful and worshipful event. We welcome and extend every courtesy to interested parties within the guidelines for uniform and regular practice established by our Diocese and our church members.
Currently, the canons (laws or rules) of the Episcopal Church require that one member of the couple who wish to be married must be a baptized Christian. Neither is required to be an Episcopalian. No marriage will be blessed at Christ Church without the express permission of the Priest in Charge or chief lay officer of the congregation (Senior Warden). Christ Church welcomes same sex couples for marriage under these same canons.
Wedding Policies
Please review the attachments for our full wedding policies. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, call 423.628.5627 or email christchurchrugby@gmail.com .
Historic Rugby offers several wonderful lodging options. Click on links below to learn more: